Bundesverband Leseförderung
(Federal Association of Reading Promotion)
Bundesverband Leseförderung is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation with over 100 members in Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Together our members form a unique network representing a wide range of experience and knowledge in the scientific and practical field of Literacy and Reading Promotion. Our main tasks are networking among players who promote reading or related topics (e.g. multilingualism or media literacy), representing the interests of various people, institutions and associations affiliated with reading promotion and literacy, providing training programs and developing and assuring quality standards regarding reading promotion measures. We also advocate the establishment of a sound financial basis as well as an adequate payment in this particular area of educational work.
Reading Promotion and Literacy

Members of Bundesverband Leseförderung commit their work to support children and adolescents in developing their literacy skills. The ability to read, write and understand texts is important to create and shape a personal view of the world. The projects and activities focus on a range of aspects (gender, children’s literature, media-literacy, reading-aloud, peer-to-peer reading) and are research-based, grounded in theory, scientifically supported and evaluated.
Two of the most renowned German children’s books authors, Kirsten Boie and Paul Maar patron our association and support our work in many ways. The activities of our network are presented and consolidated at the annual book fairs in Leipzig and Frankfurt as well as at the educational fair “Didacta”.
Certificate Training Course: Literacy- and Literature Pedagogy
The BVL offers a certified course on further education on pedagogy of literacy and literature. It is designed for interested persons working in social or pedagogical areas or professional fields of books and media as there are libraries, publishing companies and book trade. The course is offered Germany-wide by different providers and concludes with a central examination. More detailed information is to be found in our folder “Weiterbildung Lese- und Literaturpädagogik” or on our Website www.bundesverband-lesefoerderung.de/lese-und-literaturpaedagogik/ [German]

What is meant by pedagogy of reading and literary comprehension?
Read more in the essay: Lead Children to reading
Awareness Raising
“The Warterich – Books against boredom in waiting rooms” is a book – reading – literature campaign providing waiting rooms with a unique piece of furniture containing picture-, and children’s books. Instead of being bored at a government and doctor’s office, job- and social welfare centers or even hospitals “The Warterich” invites parents and their children and even people of all age to read, read-aloud, flip or browse through a variety of inspiring books. Especially deprived families with or without a migrant background will thus have easy access to good books and literature. The campaign raises awareness towards local policy makers and funders that literacy is also linked to social and health issues and not solely an educational matter. www.warterich.de [German]